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mSupply Desktop User: Level 1
mSupply Desktop
mSupply Desktop User: Level 1
After completing Level 1, you will be able to view, order and receive stock in mSupply.
mSupply Desktop User: Level 2
mSupply Desktop
mSupply Desktop User: Level 2
After completing Level 2, you will be able to issue stock to customers and dispense medicines to patients.
mSupply Desktop User: Level 3
mSupply Desktop
mSupply Desktop User: Level 3
After completing Level 3, you will be able to perform key inventory control functions in mSupply including stocktakes, inventory adjustments, repacking and generating basic reports.
mSupply Desktop User: Level 4
mSupply Desktop
mSupply Desktop User: Level 4
After completing Level 4, you will be able to perform key procurement functions in mSupply including quantification, tenders, purchase orders and goods receipt.
mSupply Desktop User: Level 5 - COMING SOON
mSupply Desktop
mSupply Desktop User: Level 5 - COMING SOON
After completing Level 5, you will be able to perform key management functions in mSupply including reports and the dashboard.
mSupply Desktop User: Level 6 - COMING SOON
mSupply Desktop
mSupply Desktop User: Level 6 - COMING SOON
After completing Level 6, you will be able to perform basic configuration and administration of mSupply.
mSupply Mobile User: Level 1
mSupply Mobile
mSupply Mobile User: Level 1
After completing Level 1, you will be able to perform basic stock management functions in mSupply Mobile.
mSupply Mobile User: Level 2
mSupply Mobile
mSupply Mobile User: Level 2
After completing Level 2, you will be able to perform advanced stock management functions in mSupply Mobile.
mSupply Super User - COMING SOON
mSupply Super User
mSupply Super User - COMING SOON
After completing this level, you will be an mSupply Super User with experience in deployments, training and troubleshooting across both Desktop and Mobile.

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